Academic Excellence
Ignite Academic Brilliance
At Oakleigh House our commitment revolves around providing comprehensive opportunities for every child to reach their full academic and personal potential, challenging them to be the best versions of themselves.
We are extremely proud of our Year 1 to Year 6 pupils' outstanding academic achievements, as demonstrated by our 2024 GL assessments. These assessments, conducted in British Curriculum Schools worldwide, have yielded remarkable results; with over half of our pupils achieving above the national average in both English and Maths.
Nurturing Each Pupil's Potential
Nurturing each pupil's potential is at the heart of our teaching philosophy. Through continuous progress reviews and transparent communication with parents, we tailor our teaching to individual needs, ensuring a differentiated curriculum and in-class support from highly qualified teaching and learning support assistants.
We work hard to anticipate and meet children’s particular educational needs. This process begins from the moment they join our school. We take time to assess their strengths and areas for development, especially in literacy and numeracy, so that we can immediately provide the support and challenge they need to fulfil their potential.
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Join us for a Personal Tour
We would be delighted to invite you to our wonderful school and share with you what makes Oakleigh House School the best educational start you can give your child.
Learning Support
Our well-established Learning Support Department offers flexible support for children with various additional needs. Whether in-class, small group sessions, or one-to-one, the focus is on ensuring each child has a positive school experience and makes progress.
Your child’s class teacher and Mrs. Wendon, ALN Co-ordinator, can offer advice as a first step in identifying any specific learning needs. We offer further advice, screening and support for pupils in the following areas;
Cognition and Learning
Communication and Interaction
Sensory and /or physical needs
Social, emotional, and Mental health difficulties
In some cases, a referral can be made to an external professional service such as Speech and Language therapy, Occupational Therapy or an Educational Psychologist.
The school exceeds our expectations, our daughter is so happy and is absolutely thriving! Oakleigh offer the best learning environment.
– Parent, Oakleigh
Achieving Excellence: The NACE Cymru Challenge Award
We proudly achieved the NACE Cymru Challenge Award, a testament to our commitment to high-quality work that challenges all pupils, including those with high abilities, to achieve their best.